

Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world. As part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture aims to restore and maintain health through the insertion of very fine needles into specific points located on meridians (or channels) on the body. Acupuncture needles are designed to part the cells of the skin so that the needles can enter as unobtrusively as possible. In contrast, hypodermic needles are designed to tear the skin so that a passage can be created to input or remove fluids. So, acupuncture is virtually painless.

After a differential diagnosis is made through discussion, observation, palpation, and listening, specific areas of imbalance are identified and a customized treatment plan is established for each patient. Most patients enjoy more grounded energy and a sense of well-being and relaxation with each treatment.

Chinese Herbology

Chinese herbs have minimal or no side effects when correctly dispensed by a certified practitioner. Maureen Larkin is nationally certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)® as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Chinese Herbology along with Acupuncture and Asian Bodywork Therapy).

Chinese herbal medicine treats imbalances within the body. It identifies patterns of disharmony that may be causing disease or discomfort. If identified in early stages, imbalances can be corrected before disease results so that optimal health of mind, body, and spirit can be maintained. This is our goal at Sundance TCM


Cupping is is a traditional healing modality used in many traditions. You’ve likely seen pictures of athletes who get “cupped” showing some circular marks. This treatment is used to relax muscles and to alleviate certain pathogens at the surface level of the body

Tui Na

Tui Na is Chinese therapeutic massage. It is an ancient form of Chinese bodywork based on meridian theory and employing acupuncture points and meridians without the use of needles. It can stimulate circulation relax tight muscles, and balance the body's energy.

We can brush, knead, roll/press, and rub acupuncture points and meridians to open the body's “defensive qi” and get energy moving in the meridians and muscles.

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is a non-invasive alternative to Botox or surgery. Using a gentle technique facial rejuvenation acupuncture stimulates collagen and elastin production, improves muscle tone, reduces lines and redness (and can eliminate fine lines), and more.

Look great and feel fabulous! Constitutional acupuncture points are used along with facial points to nourish overall health and stimulate beauty from the inside out. Using Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, you'll not only look better, you will also feel better!

Note: There are a few contraindications for medical and cosmetic acupuncture. We will gladly discuss these during you initial consultation.

Sandlin Bodywork

The Sandlin Technique is a healing system based in Cherokee traditions as taught by the late Virginia Sandlin, a Cherokee mystic. This process allows us to locate and release any incomplete experiences that can take root in the body creating discomfort or pain. It is non-intrusive and sets up an environment for the body to rehabilitate itself naturally. It can be applied with or without the application of acupuncture needles.

It was historically used to realign a new mom’s skeletal system after childbirth, and to prepare warriors for battle!